10233 W Peoria Avenue, Sun City, AZ 85351 623.972.1100
Both Sunday services can be found on YouTube (see link below):
11-10-2024 English Bulletin
11-10-2024 Boletín en español
Service Times in person & online:
Sun — 9:30 am English Service
— 11:15 am Misa en Español
Service Times in person only:
Wed — 10:00 am English Healing Service
Todos fuimos bautizados por[a] un solo Espíritu para constituir un solo cuerpo —ya seamos judíos o gentiles, esclavos o libres—, y a todos se nos dio a beber de un mismo Espíritu.
[1 Corintios 12:13]
Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo y nos tomamos la comunidad en serio.
Ministries: Outreach: Book Shelf Bookstore
Our Bookstore continues to be open every Sunday before and between services and on Saturdays during Bargains Galore sales. We appreciate all the donations and purchases that contribute to our continued success. Thank you. We find that the book donations come mainly from St. Christopher’s members and the purchases from friends and visitors outside of the church. We are now receiving books from the Phoenix Library, mainly large print and audio books. Many of the people we see on Saturday morning come in every Saturday and are now familiar friends.
Assistant “bookie”, Barbara Welsh, works very hard keeping our fiction in alphabetical order. Visitors have commented on how much they appreciate this.
Best sellers are DVD movies and mystery and Western fiction. Paperbacks sell better than hard cover. So, we need more of these. Puzzles are selling well as are children’s books. The crafts section has its own bookcase and a table for people to use to sort through these books and brochures. We also have had requests for books about American history.
The Bookstore is completely self-supporting. Everything we have has been donated, including the bookcases. We operate on the honor system. Put your money in one of the book banks, located on the bookshelf and table.
Most money raised goes for church support and projects. We have been able to contribute several thousand dollars to our general fund each year, and $20 of the proceeds each week fund the Men's Club Sandwich Ministry.
The Bookstore also has its own Outreach fund. People often overpay for their books and do not want the change. When teachers come in to buy books for their schoolrooms, they pay for them out of their own pocket. Now your bookstore uses this fund to pay for their books.
Contact: Jane Meyers or Barbara Welsh
I was a stranger and you welcomed me:
Bookstore Turned 10!