Both Sunday services can be found on YouTube (see link below):
09-08-24 English Bulletin
09-08-24 Boletín en español
Todos fuimos bautizados por[a] un solo Espíritu para constituir un solo cuerpo —ya seamos judíos o gentiles, esclavos o libres—, y a todos se nos dio a beber de un mismo Espíritu.
[1 Corintios 12:13]
Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo y nos tomamos la comunidad en serio.
Ministries: Outreach: Operation Christmas Child
I was hungry and you gave me food:
We are participating in “Samaritan's Purse Christmas Child”. We have been filling shoe boxes with new items for children all over the World.
This Blesses children with joy, hope, and love.
We are an annual collection station for Samaritan Purse Christmas Child ministry. If you would like to participate in this joyful outreach ministry, please contact Jane Meyers. This will be fun!
Since 1993, more than 100 million boys and girls in over 130 countries have experienced God’s love through the power of simple shoe box gifts from Operation Christmas Child. Samaritan’s Purse works with local churches and ministry partners to deliver the gifts and share the life-changing Good News of Jesus Christ.
Contact: Jane Meyers