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Service Times in person & online:
Sun — 9:30 am English Service
— 11:15 am Misa en Español
Service Times in person only:
Wed — 10:00 am English Healing Service
10233 W Peoria Avenue, Sun City, AZ 85351 623.972.1100
Both Sunday services can be found on YouTube (see link below):
02-09-2025 Bulletin in English
02-09-2025 Boletín en español
For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body" [1 Corinthians 12:13 "]
We are the Body of Christ and we take community seriously.
Ministries: Outreach: Summer Water Drive
I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink:
The entire parish and neighborhood come together in this annual summer ministry life saving ministry. Everyone brings bottled water to the church or contributing money. It is then taken to organizations who distribute it to the homeless and elderly. Initially, we collected and delivered tons of water: for
We now work annually with Phoenix Resuce Mission for their Code Red Drive.
To participate, bring cases of water and Sunday or any time the office is open or drop a check in the mail slot by the playground with "Water" on the memo line, or drop cash or a check in a collection jug in the narthex or Harte Hall.
Contact: Outreach or the Office
From the Phoenix Rescue Mission Code Red Drive:

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