Service Times in person & online:
Sun — 9:30 am English Service
— 11:15 am Misa en Español
Service Times in person only:
Wed — 10:00 am English Healing Service
10233 W Peoria Avenue, Sun City, AZ 85351 623.972.1100
Both Sunday services can be found on YouTube (see link below):
02-09-2025 Bulletin in English
02-09-2025 Boletín en español
For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body" [1 Corinthians 12:13 "]
We are the Body of Christ and we take community seriously.
Ministries: Organizational
Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same spirit; and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities but it is the same God who activates all of them ineveryone. [I Corinthians 12:4-6]
Buildings & Grounds Ministries
Junior Warden:
The Junior Warden is also known as the “people’s warden” and is principally responsible for the facility’s buildings and grounds. Because the Junior Warden's responsibilities are to the people ... our house, on any given day, you may find our Junior Warden on his appointed rounds, making certain the unneeded lights are off, there are no leaks or cracks, our heating and air is properly functioning, and that all is well with our physical plant.
Buildings & Grounds Committee
The Building and Grounds Committee is a Property Management Ministry responsible for the church building and grounds so that they are fit for the exercise of the church’s worship, mission, fellowship, and outreach programs as defined by the Mission Statement. It is an advisory body responsible for coordinating, monitoring, and helping the Vestry manage the assets included within all building and grounds components of St. Christopher’s. Its work is in support of the Parish’s Strategic Plan and under the auspices of the Vestry.
It's role is to provide recommendations to the Vestry enabling responsible stewardship of all the buildings and grounds. To make sure projects undertaken at St. Christopher’s are prioritized with insight sought, oversight offered and coordination with the Vestry to promote good stewardship of all assets of the church.
Landscape Ministry: Bill Masters
The Landscape Ministry began in November 2012 with cleaning up the exterior of our church campus and evaluating the status of our landscaping. First priorities were repairing our antiquated irrigation system and trimming our palms and shrubs; it instigated a weed eradication program. All the palm trees were trimmed with two near the play area having also been skinned. Our plants were trimmed properly. The irrigation lines were replaced. Three trees (one live oak, one sissoo and one palm tree, which was a free offering from above) are growing happily within our perimeters. Father Peter offered an official dedication and blessing to this work December 15, 2013, and a plaque is displayed in Middleton Hall noting this occasion. Numerous people have made this work possible by contributing their manual labor. We will address other challenges as money and professional opinion permit.
Stewardship is not just about money and pledging in the fall. It is how we spend our time, talent, and treasure and how we care for that with which we have been entrusted. We are entrusted by God with this earth and how we care for His creation is a mark of our faithfulness.
Aluminum Cans
Look for the red lidded can in Middleton to donate your cans.
Contact: Bill Masters
Bring your paper, collapsed boxes, cardboard, and shredded paper (in a plastic or paper bag) and drop it in the collection bin in the parking lot near the breezeway. If you find the bin full, please let us know.
Contact: The Office
Finance Ministry
Finance and Budget Committee: The Treasurer, Finance Chair
The Finance Committee [a standing committee called for in our by-laws] is the advisory body responsible for coordinating, monitoring, and managing the financial resources essential to meet the parish’s current and long-term financial obligations. The Committee is responsible to the Vestry for being knowledgeable of the financial matters of the Parish, recommending actions that will assure good stewardship of our income and expenses associated with our ongoing operations, and advising on special needs that may arise. We draft the budget for Vestry approval and presentation at the Annual Meeting. Throughout the year we work with the Priest-in-Charge and the Vestry to monitor income and expenses against budget, and address any new financial situations or circumstances. We also recommend to the Vestry the engagement of a qualified auditor to meet our annual canonical requirements for financial audit or review. The Finance Committee then reviews the recommendation and recommend adoption of changes to the Vestry.
Contribution Tracking: Wilma Hammond
Each week all contributions to St. Christopher’s are recorded in our contribution database, Servant Keeper. This includes cash and checks. For direct debit givers, the church receives a detailed report of all transactions from our Automated Check Handling service. We record your contributions in Servant Keeper as if you gave checks or cash. Quarterly statements are generated and delivered by either email or the mail cart in the Parish Hall.
Counters: Wilma Hammond
The link between our offerings and other monetary gifts and receipts, the Church's financial accounts, and records of donor contributions is a dedicated team of counters. The counters record received donations, give credit where credit is due to those who gave the gifts and offerings, and allocate monies received to the proper church account. This is a vital cog in keeping our financial house in order.
Direct Debit: Wilma Hammond or Beth Mayhew
St. Christopher’s accepts direct deposit of pledge offerings via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), automatically transferring pledges from financial institutions to the church’s account without having to write a check. We receive your pledge even when you are not in church to present your offering. Approximately 42% of our pledged income as reported in the 2014 budget is received via EFT.
Annual Stewardship Committee: Beth Mayhew
Stewardship continues all yearlong as we donate our time, talent, and treasure, constantly building God’s kingdom and working to become more like God every day in every way.
Vestry Ministry
Contact: Beth Mayhew, Sr. Warden