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Both Sunday services can be found on YouTube (see link below):
09-08-24 English Bulletin
09-08-24 Boletín en español
Todos fuimos bautizados por[a] un solo Espíritu para constituir un solo cuerpo —ya seamos judíos o gentiles, esclavos o libres—, y a todos se nos dio a beber de un mismo Espíritu.
[1 Corintios 12:13]
Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo y nos tomamos la comunidad en serio.
Ministries: Outreach: Boot Fund
I was naked and you gave me clothing:
The Boot Fund provides shoes for homeless and other low-income children at Country Meadows and Cheyenne Elementary Schools, as well as for children at the Phoenix Crisis Nursery. The donations to the Boot Fund also provides flip-flops for children on an emergency basis.
Look for the wooden boot bank at the Bargains Galore checkout counter or on a table in the Narthex or drop a check in the plate any Sunday with “Boot Fund” on the memo line.
Contact: Ann Gay
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